An innovative co-creation approach
A decisive step
The future of the Jardin des Nations in Grand Morillon is gradually taking shape according to the various exchange and dialogue workshops with urban planning professionals, the partnered associations, the owner of the land (Seraina Investment Foundation), neighbours and the general public. On 10 November 2021, a decisive objective for the Jardin was set in motion with the public restitution delivering feedback to determine the first 6 workshops organised since the end of August.
RCR Arquitectes
Collaboration and restitution workshops
Highlight of this restitution, the presentation of the 4 main principles chosen for the development of the guiding image:
1. An open place in relation to the surrounding areas
2. A green space, a site dedicated to sustainability
3. Fertile soil, with 55% of the space dedicated to farming land.
4. A project with several dedicated areas and monuments ensuring a real diversity of uses
In summary, it will be a question of developing a project that links with neighboring neighborhoods and offers a real physical and designed inclusivity (pedestrian and cycling routes + public spaces + green areas + fertile farming land) while considering compliance with the safety standards of international organisations. The Jardin des Nations, crossing to the east, is a a site of great diversity, the Jardin des Morillons to the south, a landscaped park to the west and a wide clearing in the centre, a large open garden space, with a simple design that can be freely utilised by the community of international and local Genevans to picnic, take a break or relax.
The trees of the Garden will be preserved and new species will be planted taking advantage of the open land since only 12,000 m2 will be built on, leaving a large amount of undeveloped areas. The greening of roofs and spaces for the development of an urban vegetable garden have also been dedicated in official documentation.
Another major section of this collaboration project expressed by the participants has been the need for this space to offer a lively, friendly, interactive and attractive place for all persons in the international and local community (inhabitants of neighbouring neighbourhoods, or even beyond). That they can find opportunities to relax, meet and dialogue, source local products, and have a place to drink and eat. The Jardin des Nations will have to meet these expectations with planning principles that will harmoniously coexist within the multifaceted space, reserved for the needs of international organisations, a cultural centre, local services, spaces for multipurpose use open to the public and through and transparent shops and services.
This public restitution therefore concludes the first phase of the collaboration project, and will take into account the remarks and opinions expressed on November 10. From now on, the respective provincial and municipal authorities will work with the developer on the development of the QLP project before meeting us in early 2022, for a new phase of public consultation, based on this document created.
Until then, the transitional urban planning of the Jardin des Nations will continue to welcome the public to discover its cultral exhibitions that delight visitors, have a drink or enjoy the vegetables and herbs of the Vegetable Garden of Nations. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed of the news of the Jardin des Nations and collaborative workshops.
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